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  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 江苏省 苏州 昆山市 开发区 兵希社区 西湖路28号
  • 姓名: Hiayan Che
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



    Kunshan GuoLi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.(GLVAC) locates in the development zone of Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province. There is rich resources and convenient transportation.
    GLVAC engages in R&D, manufacturing and selling the products of HV Relays, Vacuum Capacitors, Vacuum Interrupters, DC and AC Contactors, Circuit Breakers, Hydrogen Thyratrons, Magnetrons, Spark Gaps and other vacuum electrical apparatuses. These products are mainly used in mining, military, aviation, broadcast communication, new energy (include motor vehicle), metallurgy, power, medical, semiconductor, environmental protection, industry flaw detection, security inspection and other devices. GLVAC is one of the enterprises who take most shares in domestic market.
    GLVAC is a professional high-tech stockholding enterprise, has 40 years history of R&D, manufacture and sales in vacuum electrical apparatuses. We get GJB9001B-2009 and ISO9001:2008, also establish R&D center and academician workstations, many products are awarded as hi-tech products and obtain patents.

    经营范围 公司主要经营vacuumcapacitor,interrupters,contactors,thyratron,magnetron, GLVAC engages in R&D, manufacturing and selling the products of HV Relays, Vacuum Capacitors, Vacuum Interrupters, DC and AC Contactors, Circuit Breakers, Hydrogen Thyratrons, Magnetrons, Spark Gaps a


    企业经济性质: 私营企业 法人代表或负责人:
    企业类型: 生产加工 公司注册地: 江苏昆山
    注册资金: 人民币 5000万 - 1亿元 成立时间: 2000
    员工人数: 501 - 1000 人 月产量:
    年营业额: 人民币 50 万元以下 年出口额: 人民币 1 亿元以上
    管理体系认证: 主要经营地点:
    主要客户: 厂房面积: 60000
    是否提供OEM代加工: 开户银行:
    主营产品或服务: GLVAC engages in R&D, manufacturing and selling the products of HV Relays, Vacuum Capacitors, Vacuum Interrupters, DC and AC Contactors, Circuit Breakers, Hydrogen Thyratrons, Magnetrons, Spark Gaps a